The song that we had chosen was call 'No substitute lover' by Estelle. The song had already had a original video for it, so we knew that we had to make something different, even something better if you would call it that. Unfortunalty we cant put the original video up because embedding was disabled, but the link for the video is here:
The artist that we had made up is called Indiya not estelle so we tried to make something totally different.In the video we had edited we tried to put in the idea that she was happy to have her friends around her, as you can see in the first seqeunce we have long shots and close ups of her walking down the park with her friends and basically having a good time, sending a message that she does not need any boy instead she has her friends whereas in the orignal video we just get medium shots and long shots of Estelle singing the chorus.
I noticed that in the video she edits it by adding fade video transactions to show that the boy is cheating on her however in our video we use this transactions to show the good times between the male and the female.
i would say that both our video show different interpretations of the meanings of the song
Monday, 29 November 2010
Postive and Negative feedback
After getting together all our shots , we started to edit them on final cut pro, whilst doing that we reaslised we didnt have enough shots, we also didnt sing the whole song all the way through and also sang parts of the song leaving us with very few camera shots. When putting them on the time line we started of with scenes in the park then moved to the green screen then back again, when are teacher came to view our video she said this wasnt a good idea as in every video whilst singing a chrous it dosent cut to another scene. Looking back on this we then reaslised that we had to film more shots using that advise that we were given . We where also told to bring in Feelando earlier in the video as it would be confusing if you were just to see him towards the end although the lyrics tell the story. As we had a lot of editing to do because we thought it would be better to start again. After gathering all our shots for the second time we found out that it was alot easier as it started to come along. We then started to put it onto a timeline and added transitions, once our teacher looked at it for a second time , the feedback she gave was positive.
Analyse Students Previous Work!
Adam, Lisa, Nasima & Sayvita from 283goswell on Vimeo.
This picture is a small indication of what Adam, Lisa, Nasima, Amp and sayvita did.
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
We have finally finished!
After a lot of hard work we have finally finished our video. It was a successful project with all roles played equally. As a group we worked well together, directing and filming, our scheduled filming days were always well planned and we were mostly successful with the footage, although we did have a stage where we panicked and we felt worried we managed to get feedback from our teachers and were able to produce a better final video.
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Finished video
This is our finished video and we are very proud of what we have acomplished as in the beggining we thought that we would not get it done and that everything would be done last minuit, but in reality all we had to do was film more and stay focused to get this video finished as the due day was round the corner. We had gone through a lot of challenges to get this video of how we wanted it, at first the video had no meaning to the song itself and we felt as if the shots had been placed in any order, but we went to lunch time workshops to get the full oppotunity as the completing the video was important to us. We sat done and watch the rought cut to see what didnt work and what we could keep, by doing this we also had to go back to the shots that we had filmed to see what options we still had as there was no time for filming, bit by bit we placed the possible shots down the time line to see they worked, if they didnt we would delete it and find another alternative. We are particularly happy with the whole video, the editing, shots and mise en scene. We worked really hard to get the lypsynch precisely, also we tried to put different effects to add emphasis
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Teacher Feedback
Hello group 8
Good to see your rough cut up here. Don't forget that you must also post a summary of the feedback that you got from your teacher along with details around how you inted to act upon this feedback for your final video.
Good to see your rough cut up here. Don't forget that you must also post a summary of the feedback that you got from your teacher along with details around how you inted to act upon this feedback for your final video.
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Rough Cut Video
Our Rough Cut is a slight preview of how our intial music video is going to look.It gives a brief outline of some of the mise en scene, shots and location that was filmed.
our techer had given us a lot of feed back about our un finished video. At first we were not really happy about what she had told us about the shots and how we needed to change it, but as we watch the video back we realised that at this point criticism was vital as we needed the video to be at its best.
She had told us that on the chorus the clip was left too long and that we had to some how cut it down or add a new clip. We where told that this rough cut had not made sense we placed different shots with different locations to different parts of the song so there was no structure to our video. when she told us this, we were quite upset as we thought we didnt have that much shots to even transform the video, at this point we had to act quickly as the due date was round the corner. Another criticism we had about this rough cut, was the representation of of the Black male in the hoody, we thought about it and we came to a conclusion that we had to change it because it was a cliche. We noticed that the order of the video we had put together was not according to our story board which was a problem because it meant that we did the video from the top of our heads, all we had to do was change around the shots and make it similar to the story board. As a group we decided that we had to do more filming sessions to make the video complete.
The pitch contains our groups initial ideas for our music video, I chosen song was 'No Substitute love' by Estelle, we chose this song as we thought we could film a varirty of shots for it as it would make a good music video. Our target audience is 17-25, as we thought teenagers and adults would be able to relate to the lyrics of the song.
It shows our locations. Where and what time we will be filming on what days of the week.
What type of shots will be needed e.g medium shots , close ups. and what shots will be used for each scene, it also contains our concept , which our group chose to follow the theme of disjuncture as it dosent tell a story. Our idea was to film a walk through for each scene. At the end of each scene we would film a shot and then film a high angled shot then bring the camera down into a new location. It also states who we think would us.
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Filming Photos!!
This is a photo of Parris filming me and feelando as we do the shot when we are walking down.
This is a shot to show how in this group we work together and we take turns tofilm as we feel the eqaul opportunity allows us to reach ou full potential with our filming.
A shot of yoland ewhile she is singing to show the reality of the video as she is singing along to the song playing in the background.
A very cold day but we braved the cold and tried to feel comfortable with what we had. A very natural picture of again parris filming Yolande whilst doing the panning shot.
These are some of the photos we took whilst filming, many of the photos will be used for our digipak ..
We took shots of the location, as this will be seen in the background in many of the scenes in the music video.
Teacher feedback
Hello group 8
Where is your pitch?? This should have been posted a long time ago, and should have been joined by plenty of photos from your filming sessions along with a discussion around how the filming has been going. Don't fall behind with your blogs....
Where is your pitch?? This should have been posted a long time ago, and should have been joined by plenty of photos from your filming sessions along with a discussion around how the filming has been going. Don't fall behind with your blogs....
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