Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Question 2 - How effective is the combination of your main product (video) and ancillary texts (digi pack and advertisment)

This is my digipak I got my idea of images and colors from what I felt stood out the most. For example the bright color fusia which really stood out on one of Estelle single cover named 'fall in love'. I felt the contrast between the color black, white and fusia was very effective and i felt i had to incorporated this into my digipak. Moving on i feel my video and digipak combine together is very effective not because of the use of color but simply because of the use of images and how the look of the artist is present in the video in comparison to my ancillary product also the name also big and easy to read. In the video the artist is really attempting to connect with the audience and express her feeling in her music. I tried to let the consumers feel close to 'Indiya' and I felt there was no easier way of doing it than to use a extreme close-up of the artist so the audience feel as close to her as possible. In or music video we used lots of close-up of the artist and meduim shots as it was commonly used in professional videos. In addition this is also used on professional digipaks and album covers also.

Our video has a common narrative and can be compared to many videos, however digipaks are a form of advertisemnt and a fan of a artist must be able to recognise the digipak in comparison to the media product. Nevertheless I wanted to take a artist like bob marleys digipak and incorporate it image. For example Bob Marley was a Rastafarian, where by the colors to associated with Rastafarians are as seen below green, yellow and red. Although there's is a picture of Bob Marley we'll probably notice it is his digipak anyway just because of his reputation. Green, Yellow an Red is Bob Marley and visa versa effect. I felt this what I wanted to try and demonstrate but using the color Fusia. This way whenever such a color is used my arget audience will recognise my digiapk as one from 'Indiya' because of distinctive color usage. 

My main audience is those who are young probably in university and have experience in relationship, just so that the issue the artist may mention in her lyrics, those listening aren't alienated or unfamiliar with the ways at which the artist may be feeling. I think my target audience will be attracted to my digipak in some extent because the Close image of the artist. However section of my audience may not as here are diversities in groups and not all people in a group wll act or like the same things.

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